How To Develop A Home Design You'll Love

Custom home design projects offer numerous opportunities to create the residence of your dreams. However, it's important to have a process to think about home design ideas. If you want to love the design you eventually choose, use this process:


Every architectural design should have a base. When thinking about which elements you want to introduce to a design, consider the lowest level of what counts for practicality and aesthetics. If you're not thrilled about the amount of storage in your master bedroom, for example, adding shelves and a closet will be a base problem.

You can then go a bit further by thinking about the aesthetic base. In the broadest strokes possible, paint a picture of what the interior design will be like stylistically. There is no need for specifics at this point. Generalizations like simple, rustic, modernists, or chic are all base-level concepts. You can always build on these later.


The next layer of the process is building a personality in every room. Imagine you're developing a home theater space. You might want to add artistic elements like horror movie posters to show off the movies they enjoy. Also, you'll have to decide whether you want something like theater seating or a comfy sofa. Each of these decisions is fundamentally a feature of your personality, and it will spill into the personality of the interior design.

You can also add to the practical features with personality. If you're designing the kitchen, for example, you can answer the question of what type of stove you want by considering your personality. One person might want a professional-tier system with two ovens. Someone else would prefer a small oven with retro styling.


Now it's time to get granular. From an interior design perspective, this means thinking about what specific types of paint, rugs, curtains, and other features you want. On the architectural design side of things, it means looking at items like molding, archways, staircases, windows, and doors.

For example, someone who wants a contemporary home can eliminate certain choices from their list. They probably don't need to install a fireplace full of huge and craggy stones. Conversely, a person who wants a comfy and rustic house might aim straight for that aesthetic.

Subtractions and Substitutions

Finally, you want to think about what you can subtract from a home design. If you went a bit wild adding features to the kitchen, you might take out a few items that crowd the room. This is also a good time to consider alternative options, such as doing a quartzite countertop versus soapstone to make your budget work.

For more information, reach out to an interior design service near you.

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To Build Is to Live

Have you ever noticed that humans have a tendency to build things? Even those who are not construction workers by trade tend to build something. It might be cakes, or it might be websites! Contractors and construction workers, however, tend to be the most in-touch with their building talents. They get to work with their hands and see the results of their work at every step along the way. If you've been feeling that very human urge to build something, then you might want to learn more about construction work and consider entering the industry yourself. A good place to start, though, is to read on this blog.
